Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ada Apa dgn Birthday anda??

Amaran:Ini bukan horoskop semata-mata.
Setiap manusia ada tarikh lahir dia.kalau xde tu,,maybe Alien agknya. Alien pon lagi advance kowt. tah,,mane aku taw..

So,,manusia ni pandai2 mengunakan kekreatifan yg ada untuk mengisi masa lapang dgn memberi tekaan or description about person based on their birthday.Maka wujudlah horoskop..
kita akhiri diskripsi Wikipedia yg xberapa nk jadi ini,,lets proceed...

Lets rock n roll bebeh~

its fun U know.More fact than khayalan semasa. xdenye nk cerita psl love ko, kehidupan yg bkl kaw lalui ke..
xde xde..itu semua fairytale.ni fact.most of it is based on science dude.science fact.Awsome!

ok,,ape kate ko kasi terus je?kenapa nk susahkan aku baca benda crap yg kaw tulis ni lahabau?

silalah click Birthday kiter nie.

Ape??ingat aku nk bg description satu persatu?Xde keje ke sengaja nk mengedik bekerja tu..

Here are mine.only some of it,

You are 241 months old.

You are 1,049 weeks old.

You are 7,341 days old.

You are 176,189 hours old.
You are 10,571,358 minutes old.
You are 634,281,535 seconds old.

Your birth tree is

Fig Tree, the Sensibility
Very strong, a bit self-willed, independent, does not allow contradiction or arguments, loves life, its family, children and animals, a bit of a butterfly, good sense of humour, likes idleness and laziness, of practical talent and intelligence.

sila abaikan part "likes idleness and laziness"

if someone askin,,
'how old are you?'
"im 241 months old"

ok??kita kasi org tu pakai otak sikit.mengira kejap.yeah.helpin them exercise their brain.


Every excess becomes a vice.